Activity offerings for the maiden’s weekend will be updated by May 1st, but will be very similar to listing below. Please feel free to review the offerings below to get an idea of what you will find at the maiden’s Weekend.

Loving Kindness Meditation

meditation is a key tool in managing stress. moring group meditation offered daily. appropriate for all ages.

Art (Everyday)

Find your inner peace through creativity! maidens can Visit the art room and enjoy several options for making something special to remember your time at the maiden’s weekend. NO NEED TO SIGN UP!

Yoga (Friday & Saturday)

When was the last time you could just breathe? Sandi Hoover will guide the maidens through a group yoga practice that includes in a combination of breath, meditation, and stretching teaching how to use yoga for the highest health and relaxation. no prior experience necessary.

Hiking (Anytime)

Our ceremonial grounds at broadhorn offer acres of deep, virgin woods to hike though and experience the power of nature. This is a perfect time to reflect inward and Remove the barriers that keep us from getting outside. maiden’s will Experience the truly transformative healing powers of Mother Nature. Guided group hikes will be led by the core team and partner or small group hikes can be arranged for maiden’s as needed.

Play in the Water

Pyramid pond is a gorgeous spring fed, clean pond that offers attendees the enjoyment of water. swimming, canoeing and paddle boating to make for fun individual or group activities.

Games (Anytime)

Corn Hole, Volleyball and swings are all at the ready for some group play.

Cozy Corner (Anytime)

This community Tent provides maidens with an opportunity to hang out and chill on pillows & futons pads, listen to music and open the door for talks and relaxing in a group environment.

Soul Hooping (Friday & Saturday)

Maidens will use hoola hoops to Find flow and connect with with their bodies through movement in this beginner hooping workshop. No experience required – hoops provided.